Ultimate Arbiters ?
(Ultimate Arbiters ?)
What happens when one proves a bad investment ? What takes place when one fails something so specular that he becomes a financial risk ? In the aftermath of Biden's epic fail last week, what is the situation with Democrat donors when it has become patently obvious that the President's cognitive condition has been confirmed. What happens to the bankroll if Biden's status is called into question ?
The Biden family has been insisting that the President recognized that he had a "bad" night, he had a cold and every other excuse that could be offered. The President could not be as bad as he looked but the footage does not lie. Biden's determination notwithstanding, the decision is not his in the end. If he wants to fund the rest of his campaign, he will need those with whom he has lost confidence.
Biden is in a state of flux. On one side, the 25th Amendment is being considered but even if that is not the conclusion, to have the President face Trump again in September's debate ? And then on Election Day itself ? If recent history is any guide, the President probably not have the stamina. But will he still have the money ?
Where is the Vice President in all this ? Her role has yet to be fully defined and if Joe is moved out, does she get moved up ? The first woman black President, it was remarkable when Haris was named as Biden's VEEP. That being said, a "President Harris" has even more problems than her Boss. But will the powers that be fund her over the President ?
What Democrats need is a clean slate, the ability to eject the "ticket" as it were and begin anew. How that is supposed to work also remains to be seen. In the end, it will be in Chicago at the Democrat Convention for any personnel changes. Donors will naturally be making their own assessment and who will get the nod.
The most important people can decide how to move on to an alternative when one is required. The problem here is that there are many pretenders and people in line ahead of the President. How and when Biden might get replaced is the open question but the ones who pay the bills will be having the final say.
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