For How Long ?

(For How Long ?)

President Joe Biden will have been in Office for almost four years and this could also be he point when he will be compelled to leave Office. The Biden Presidency has been fraught with controversy with odd policy choices, that are too numerous to be re-listed here. But as the President's true cognitive state was made on full display a week ago Thursday, one has to wonder how long Biden has had this affliction and if it had influenced decisions like Afghanistan or the border. If Bidenomics was similarly derived ? Biden energy policy, the Green New Deal, the Inflation Reduction Act, the American Rescue Plan and so on.

Of course, the media are also complicit in this grand deception. They have been running interference for Biden virtually from Day One. making excuses for the man they got into Office and needed to keep him there. In time, however, the evidence of Biden's decline was becoming more obvious, and admittedly more painful. So, Joe Biden has run his race and if this is the end, a time to turn the page, this would be just as good a time as any.

As for Nemesis Trump ? It is the common perception in the media that the former President is composing his "kill lists" for when he re-assumes power. Some members in the media are expecting to be targeted under the provisos of Trump's immunity deal, that he can employ as a "day-one dictator." That being said, however, will it still be President Biden ? For his part, the President is not examining the issue in a vacuum.

Biden has been in regular contact with Democrat officials including a number of Governors. However, if the President cannot sustain consistant periods of lucidity, and the residues of the Debate performance remain evident, then one can conclude that a replacement is still required. Actually finding one and it is not Vice President Harris, however, will have a sense on how wrong things have gone.

The President has apparently been gone for a long time and the sympathetic media has been running interference all this time. Now that his true state has been revealed, one has to wonder how has country been transacted ? The media surely is not in a position to answer.


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