Getting Away With it

(Getting Away With It)

This has been an active Supreme Court Term that just concluded its session this morning with its Ruling that President Trump is immune from prosecution while engaged in his Official position as President. The Judgement makes sense because any Chief Executive would require immunity as any subsequent Administration could second guess any policy decision. For example, FDR could be charged with Japanese interment. For Trump's case, the actions stem from events from January 6th. The Special Counsel for this "Election Interference" case Jack Smith had been prosecuting for these past months. With the Decision today, Smith's efforts to put Trump in front of another Jury before Election Day is now all but impossible.

What SCORUS also said, however, is that while a President is immune while in Office and officially in Office, ex-Presidents have no such protection, So, if upon leaving the White House and Donald Trump holds up a liquor store, he would not be immune for that. In any event, if the Smith case is effectively neutralized, and all the other proceedings will not themselves come to pass before November 5th.

Which leaves Trump's sentencing on the Eleventh but regardless of that outcome, today is a victory for Trump. He can take this Judgement out on the Campaign trail and announce his vindication. When his running mate is also mentioned, there will be a double effort in taking what the Supreme Court has given

So, did Trump get away with it ? The Capitol Riot on that January morning and Trump's speech did not constitute what took place on the Hill. Trump was still Chief Executive and the formality of power passing to President-elect Biden had yet to take place. The protest that did erupt reflected a feeling that the American people had perhaps been cheated but by that time, Biden's electors had been counted and he had secured the requisite number of Electoral Votes.

Invariably, the question of immunity as applied to Trump the same as for Biden ? President Biden and his family are under investigation for "crimes" committed before Biden was in the Whie House. The so-called Biden Brand used to peddle influence in from China to Ukraine is not subject to any claims of Presidential immunity.

But, for Donald Trump, one more legal obstacle had been cleared.


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