Only Cheating (if one gets caught)

(Only Cheating (if one gets caught)

Al Bundy of Married, With Children, once made the comment, "It is wrong to be French." As certain elections had been held across Europe, the initial outcomes had been "right of center" victories. It turns out there are two exceptions in Britain and France that have adopted Labor and Socialist governments respectively. In France, the Socialists wasted no time in imposing a 90% tax on "wealthy" individuals. Class warfare run-amuck. However, how secure was that election ? Were there cases of voter fraud ? People probably knew exactly what re-insurgent Leftists would have in mind and they will pay the consequences, literally.

What the French did, apparently, is require some form of identification. Those who cast ballots had a driver's license, library or credit card so people knew who was who. Not in this country. In this country, voter identification requirements are discouraged, mostly by Democrats, because it is their belief that such requirements depress Democrat voters turn-out. Of course, that is a fallacious argument because most people have a driver's license at least. That is still too difficult ? One needs identification to fly. To rent a car. But for voting ? One's most important civic duty and there is resistance because it could discourage Democrats.

Case in point, all but five House Democrats voted against the so-called "Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act that require proof of American Citizens in order to cast ballots. Of course, the Act has little chance in the Senate and none with President Biden. SAVE is timely. Of all the illegal migrants that have entered the country, it is conceivable that some could vote, illegally. With a required source of identification, as is now required by the House, voter integrity can be maintained.

Democrats learned long ago that if they cannot pass an agenda legislatively, the next option would be to find a friendly judge to rule in their favor. But judges are not always friendly and if an case gets appealed to the Supreme Court, also a not always friendly Docket, and the ruling is adverse to Democrat causes ? That is why the ultimate aim is to pack the Court. Also for DC and Puerto Rico to be made states with two reliably Democrat Senators each.

Without these shenanigans there can be no victory. And what if Donald Trump actually wins again ? And Republicans do better themselves on Capitol Hill ? Considering the dis-array Democrats are in with President Biden's situation, and it only promises to get worse come Convention time. So, Democrats will try to cheat to level the field. If they get caught ?


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