Spirits of '76

(Spirits of '76)

A 1990 film, The Spirit of '76, that stared David Cassidy, Olivia D'Abro, Carl Reiner, Rob Reiner and a few others, set the term in America in the year 2176 where the National Anthem  was the old Civil Defense tone. Naturally, there was a need to go back in time to 1776 to learn from the Founders themselves. Unfortunately, the tine travelers came in short, to 1976, the Days of Disco and the scene looked the part.

Say, however, that Cassidy and Company made it to 1776, where they were able to meet the likes of Washington, Adams. Jefferson and all the other Founding Fathers. The impression of those who were there, the ones that composed the Declaration of Independence, down to John Hancock's oversized signature. To be sure, names on a piece of paper declaring independence did not make it a fact. The War for the American Revolution remained to be waged and it too was a close-run affair on many occasions but it was through the leadership of General Washington, eventually President Washington, the American cause prevailed. 

Now, in the wake of this ongoing drama in Washington D.C. where the current President could step aside or be forced out. Clearly President Biden is no President Washington, but he is as much a President as Number 46 as Number 1. So, all things being equal, so is Donald Trump. But it was the pattern set on this day in 1776 when "In the course of Human Events. . ."

All politics aside, as this is still the Fourth of July, for the vast majority of people it is beer and BBQ and a maybe a nice fireworks display, either live or televised. Appropriate celebration for men who would hang together. or they would assuredly hang separately. 

Happy Fourth !


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