Ash Heaps Of History

(Ash Heaps Of History)

It has been said that "democracies" are the worst forms of government imaginable, save for all other forms. Democracies, especially the "republican" type Are un-wieldy and dis-organized but they can be generally stable. Until there is an attempt to change that stability. At the Democratic Convention in Chicago, the Party will discard President Biden, consigning him to the "ash heap of history" of a sort. At the same time, Nominee Harris is embracing socialism as the guiding principal of her Administration. As it is, there has never been a "successful" socialist government from the Soviet Union then to Cuba and Venezuela today but those are exceptions and in Venezuela, socialist dictator Maduro has been voted out, though he has yet to leave.

Joe Biden has been an empty suit since he first entered Congress. He has been told throughout his career that he is important, that he can make a difference. However, Biden was only a means to an end. His own independent Presidential runs ended in failure, and it was only President Obama that had provided a political resurrection. However, as Biden "fulfilled" his role as Vice President, at the same time he was trading off his name in corrupt fashion. Then covid emerged and Biden was transitioned to the White House. President Obama was never enthusiastic about another Biden run but things apparently worked out. A question asked is how much of the Vice President's condition was known to Obama as he announced his own candidacy ? In any event, when the time came for President Biden to "retire" he was forced out. The event has been called everything from a coup to a putsch but whatever the term, Joe Biden's exit was un-ceremonial at best. Tonight, President Biden will address the Convention as his Farewell Speech. Just to say that, originally, it was supposed to have been Biden that as to speak on Thursday, accepting his Party's nomination. But coups happen sometimes.

Which is scarier ? The Vice President giving a speech on price controls or the applause she gets from the audience ? Price controls are an element from socialist governance and they ubiquitously lead to shortages. One can recall the gas lines from the '70's of the lack of food at some stores. Are these policies Harris is proposing has an appeal ? People can have short memories and that ignorance can be costly.

The bottom line is that every place that socialist regimes were put in place have failed. The recent elections in Europe with the exception of Britain and France all installed right-of center governments. For its part, the United States can embrace a system that has been on the ash heap of history, or it can maintain the worst form of government known to exist. Except for all others.


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