Caudron Battles

(Caudron Battles)

There have been certain engagements in military history where one side is completely annihilated. Cannae, in 218 BCE comes to mind. More recently, in August, 1914, the Battle of Tannenberg in East Prussia, one Russian army was wholly destroyed while another was severely mauled. It was also August of that year that set the tone for the First World War where there would be continued maneuver in the East while in the West, the situation was only a few weeks removed from the trench warfare horror that would soon be called the Western Front.

As the "Guns of August" faded into fighting in September, and there had been no resolution in any theater. The idea of "home before the leaves fall" was a miserable failure and it would keep Europe in a death spiral till 1918. No plan survives first contact with the enemy and that is holding true with the Harris interview on CNN. In the aftermath, the consensus is that while she did not spit crumbs. she did not measurably improve her position against Donal Trump.

The 2024 Campaign is developing into a cauldron battle with one side or the other facing annihilation. If the Vice President has a good night November 5th, then it will also be a good night for Democrats. Conversely, if it is Trump that is seen as excelling that evening, the effect would translate down as well. Donald Trump can be seen as the candidate of "maneuver," like World War I in the East. Trump is giving interviews and town halls. On the other hand, Harris is seen as static positions of "trench warfare." Limit her exposure or stay down in the mud. Do not go "over the top" unless it becomes necessary. It will become necessary on September 10th when she faces the former President.

Polls are confused at the moment. Harris has been up over Trump minimally, well within the margin of error. There has been some discussion that Trump has been difficult to poll so there is some doubt as to his true support. Of course, time will tell.


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