Coming Attraction ?

(Originally Composed Yesterday) 

(Coming Attraction ?)

Still the deer in the headlights ? Traditionally, a Party's Presidential Nominee gives the last speech at the convention. Tonight it will be no different with Vice President Harris accepting her coronation. In an address of some length, the Democrat standard bearer will be enunciating what her policy will be over the next four years. Either she will keep to the liberal agenda of which she has been a part the last few years or she might add to her lexicon terms like tax cuts.

The Democratic Convention has been a bubble. Democrat Royalty each gave his or own speech, largely composed of vitriol directed at former President Trump. However, the theme of the Convention was supposed to be "Joy." This is taking place in the Windy City where people still got shot and even some fatalities. And Illinois Governor Pritzker brags that Democrat Policies do work If this is what the Governor says is success, what would he consider to be a failure ?

The Biden Administration has been a failure and, in every metric, Vice President Harris has been a card-carrying member. If she takes the stage this evening and comes across as a new version of President Biden and all his baggage, but with those proposals about costs control and so on are the substance of her Acceptance, then the Vice President will have confirmed the Leftist direction of the Party.

That will have the effect of shoring up the Democrat base. However, bases do not alone win elections. There are slightly more Democrats than Republicans but neither Party can win by those voters alone. That is why the so-called "Independent" is so important and it is the courtship of them that wins for candidates. These are the people who are not necessarily ideological, but they do know the price of gas. They have seen how reckless government spending has caused inflation at the grocery store. How will they respond to a Party whose Nominee is promising no respite ?

If it is a question of policy, then Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris. That being said, if it is more of personality, Harris has the advantage. At the moment, Harris has flipped certain polls in swing states that had once favored Trump. Going forward, Harris will Harris announce any surprises ?

Stay tuned.


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