Losing Cronkite

(Losing Cronkite)

Newsman Walter Cronkite had been a staple in American living rooms for over twenty years as anchor of the CBS Evening News. Cronkite had a reputation of being honest and had the moniker "the most trusted man in America." When Cronkite reported on the Vietnam War and his dispatches did not necessarily conform with what the Johnson Administration was saying.  President Johnson is purported to have said: "if I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America."

It has been a little over a month ago when Donald Trump had a significant lead in the polls over President Biden. Biden's debate performance against Trump last July indicated he could no longer continue. Biden was set aside and coronated Vice President Kamala Harris. It is like Trump had a lead of 20 points or more and, if one were talking basketball, Harris and her "team" have just completed a 20-0 run against Trump. The "score," and also the race, is currently tied.

However, Trump has just put his "starter" back on the court, and that might be Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who suspended his own campaign and endorsed former President Trump. So, like President Johnson losing middle America after Walter Cronkite's more honest assessment of the War in Southeast Asia, what are Democrats losing with Robert F. Kennedy Jr going to Donald Trump ?

To be sure, Kennedy's transition is far from universally embraced. His wife, Cheryl Hinds from Curb Your Enthusiasm is saying she is accepting her husband's decision to withdraw from the race, less if she is supporting his support for Trump. And of course, the Kennedy clan has many members, have been Icons in Democrat politics so the loss of Kennedy Jr., in many ways the elder statesman of the Party. While he was a longshot in the first place. he did poll as high has 19% at one point, he has sense been diminished. As numbers go, Kennedy has dropped to 2-5% nationally.

However, remarks are being made that in swing states, the several thousands of votes that Kennedy might generate could have the effect of giving the former President a sufficient margin with which he could prevail over Vice President Harris. Of course that remains to be seen. Also, Trump had to offer the former Democrat some role in a new Trump Administration, one consummate with his talents.

In the end, Kennedy's departure from the Democrat Party will have consequences. The Party of John Fitgerald and Robert Fitzgerald does not exist anymore. It has now fallen to Robert Kennedy Jr. to carry on the famous legacy from his forebears. 


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