New Economic Policy

(New Economic Policy)

Founder and leader of the Bolshevik Party, Vladimir Lenin, after the First World War, after the October Revolution, after the Russian Civil War, came to the conclusion that Communism didn't work. The man was brilliant ! However, the Bolsheviks were the only game in town, so Lenin had to adapt Party policy to a more pragmatic and less ideological stance. Lenin formulated what was called the New Economic Policy which in essence re-introduced capitalism, especially in the realm of agriculture where farmers were allowed to sell their yields for profit. The years when the NEP was in place were some of the bests for "soviet" farming with grain and other products keeping the population generally well fed.

Lenin died in 1924 and by 1928, Josef Stalin was made General Secretary. What followed was the forced collectivization of agriculture, then came the purges, also known as the Great Terror. Farmers that had prospered under the NEP were now forced to surrender what they had produced and famine was the natural consequence. Millions died of starvation. Millions more would succumb to the Terror.

Vice President Kamala Harris is set to announce her own "economic" agenda. Now, will it mirror Lenin's New Economy Policy or perhaps more towards Stalin's forced collectivization and terror ? From what has been leaked, Harris plans to combat price gouging from large corporations, will be mindful of "excessive profits" and there has even been some talk on issuing price controls. And, she plans to raise taxes and perhaps even impose a "death tax." In other words, a socialist, if not communist agenda. And this is the economic policy that will appeal to voters ? Harris will be offering certain tax credits and subsidies like for houses with solar panels. She will offer child tax credits. Attempts to buy votes ?

Leftists like Harris, or Bernie Sanders and the like, have no concept of free-market capitalism. The very definition if any socialist or communist is the un-equivocal rejection of capitalism. Yet the Vice President is on the campaign trail set to declare her economic program with all the aforementioned tenants. What would be the appeal against a rocked ribbed capitalist like Donald Trump ?

When these two meet, Harris will have to explain in detail her program and all its shortcomings. She will be facing off against one who wants to cut taxes, drill baby drill and so on. The exact antithesis to what the Vice President is suggesting. There will be an education on the Vice President beginning in her speech today and across the Convention. If her "acceptance" address has the same color as her economic plan, one will get a feel of her campaign direction: left-right-center.


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