Potemkin's Was Less A Village

(Potemkin's Was Less A Village)

It can be said Russian civilization reached its height during the Reign of Catherine II, also known as the "Great." An imported German Princess, who under the sponsorship of Russian Empress Elizabeth, "Catherine" was betrothed to Peter III, the Grandson of Peter the Great with his own Germanic origins.  Shortly after ascending the Russian Throne, however, Peter III was deposed by his wife, Catherine who shortly attained the title, the Great.

Catherine had many officials, among them a Grigory Potemkin. Potemkin was one of those advisers that kept the real truth from Catherine. The plight of the average Russian was almost Hobbesian: nasty. brutish, and short. Most were still serfs. The rest were in a grinding poverty. To whitewash the situation, Potemkin developed what were called "Potemkin" Villages, façade that disguised the true state of things. When the Empress made a tour, she was able to avoid seeing the misery that her regime perpetuated.

So, when anything is seen as fake or superficial, the term "Potemkin Village" is sometimes employed. Like the Democrat National Convention. There has seldom been a display of such gross exaggeration, and it is all fake. Anyone can make speeches and describe Biden or Obama or whomever, and keep the fingers crossed behind their back. There are certain myths that are surrounding the Convention with the unreality of it all.

It is like the last almost four years never happened. The whole Biden and now "Harris" Administrations are illusions painted over canvas. A case in point is all the jobs numbers that good and bad that got released month to month, some were good, and some were bad. However, each report was revised, and the trend had been revisions to be lower.

Then came the news that the revision for March was a negative 818,000 jobs. That means that the Labor Department had over-estimated almost a million jobs. All the times that the Administration praised Bidenomics, the reality, like a Potemkin Village, was that it was all an illusion. The whole thing was pretend and only a virtue signal. It was always known that President Biden was an empty suit, and it was only through the influence of others, those at the Convention (in Chicago of all places) the ones with public platitudes for Biden and thanking God he is finally out of the picture.


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