Repeating History ?

(Repeating History ?)

There was a comic strip feature where aliens landed and came to a farmer and asked "Take us to your leader. To which the farmer replied "We don't really have one right now." That is a scary thought. The President of the United States has unique authority over exclusive elements of purview. Like the role of National Command Authority, where the use of nuclear weapons can be approved. If the NCA is still President Biden and all his issues, than who has the finger "on the Button," so to speak ?

If that role is not filled for the moment this is a dangerous situation. If there is some nuclear event that would require the U.S. to respond in kind, there conceivably could be a situation where no one is there to give the orders. In any case, the only "nuclear" event could be the Democrat Convention meeting in Chicago. As people know, the last time Democrats were in the Windy City was in 1968. People remember that.

The gathering was chaotic to say the least. That year, 1968, was marked by assassinations, riots, and a beleaguered President Lyndon Johnson had ended his campaign in March of that year. That left Robert F. Kennedy as a front runner until he was killed in Los Angeles. Thet left Vice President Hubert Humphery as the likely Nominee, and he was. The war in Vietnam was raging and that contributed to many of the protests. But in 1968 Chicago, there was no sense of cohesion. The term floor fight took on new meanings.

This time, because there was no primary, the Roll Call will unamously proclaim Vice President Kamala Harris as the Party standard bearer. In recent days, Harris has flipped, and she has flopped and come her acceptance speech on Thursday, one could see where she ended up. Either she will keep to the socialist price controls, or she will be more moderate in her delivery.

Will there be shades of 1968 ? With the war in the Near East persisting, there will be some anti-Israel protests at the venue. There is an anti-Sematic strain among the Democrat Party and that could affect the Jewish vote. In any case, the Democrats will have the next few days to convince the American people to vote for them and their program. What that program will be exactly remains to be seen.


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