The Day After . . .

(The Day After . . .)

The terrorist attacks September 11th 2001, was one of the worst atrocities ever to befall the American people. Like with any such events of such significance, a "commission," of some sort or another, gets established. The one for September 11th was no different. Who was named for the panel, however, poses a problem. It were the failures of the Clinton Administration that allowed groups like al Queda and others, an FBI that did not network and even after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, there was no increased awareness of the terrorist threat so, when the Day happened, it was an obvious intelligence failure but it had been the failure of the Clinton Administration. So, the politicians sat on that Commission in essence running interference for the former President.

Kamala Harris gave her acceptance speech to the Democrat Nomination for President last night and like the 9-11 Commission, she had to defend a failed President. She was not wholly honest when it came to former President Trump, claiming he wants to cut social security, is extreme on abortion and is a part of Project 25. All of which are not accurate or are just false. Harris, while adopting a pro-military tone, she ignored Afghanistan. The Vice President also announced some $5 trillion in new taxes, allowing the Trump reductions to expire, raise the capital gains and even a tax on un-realized income. All these could be devastating to the economy and the middle class. Which of course had been the point of the entire speech.

So, 2024 Chicago was not necessarily 1968 Chicago. In fact, this whole affair was so scripted as to be worthy of an Oscar worthy production. However, as with so many pieces from Hollywood today, the Convention was fake. As was mentioned, a "Potemkin Village." The enthusiasm seemed forced. There was little mention of Israel or Gaza aside from some vague comments that Harris would defend the Jewish State and challenge Iran. at least not inside the United Center. There were external pro-Hamas demonstrations, and a few thousands did attend outside.

Now, just because things could have gone wrong, and didn't, does not mean it was necessarily a successful Convention. Aside from Democrat unity, at least on the surface. A so-called Convention "bounce" that might or might not materialize. But what is the message from Chicago ? What was Harris' message for the rest of the campaign. It was a promise of retribution against Donald Trump and Republicans. She wants to hike taxes. With no economic awareness, Harris thinks she can make economic policy.

Or anything else; the border, energy, immigration, foreign policy and so on. Despite of last night's speech, have any of those positions been defined ? The next hurdle that the Vice President will have to jump is the first debate with Trump. In the meantime, however, Harris has united her Party and have improved Democrat prospects. How this might hold remains to be seen. 


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