Watchtower. . .

(Watchtower. . .)

On August 7th. 1942, the U.S. 1st Marine Division was sat ashore on the Solomon Island of Guadalcanal in an operation named WATCHTOWER. In a campaign lasting just over six months, the battle waged on land and at sea, with ebbs and flows for both Americans and Japanese lost men and ships at previously un-heard of levels. The struggle for Guadalcanal began the attrition process for the Imperial Japanese Navy.

The term "watchtower" is instructive this morning. The Democrat ticket is set with Harris;/Walz and, as mentioned, the paring is possibly the most liberal ticket in history. Harris record previously, she, as Pro Tempre in the Senate, cast the deciding votes in the Inflation Reduction Act and other Green New Deal legislation. She did not vote for Trump tax reform. Harris, like her former boss is a tax and spend liberal, taken to an extreme.

That extreme is her running mate, Governor Tim Walz, an avowed socialist. Walz was the one that allowed Minneapolis to burn and as it happed, Harris bailed out the perpetrators. Walz has been one to de-fund his police. During the pandemic, Walz closed his state more than most. He wants the Land of a Thousand Lakes to be off fossil fuels completely by 2040. Walz also shares the ideas of gender an equity. He has supported removal of children from their parents over gender confusion.

And this is the team that is going to be presented to voters over the next months ? Chicago is mere weeks away and while the chaos that was possible might have dissipated some, that the Nominee and the Number 2 have been selected. there will also be an under-current of dis-content and all the external protests. What platform will announced ? What policy positions will be identified ? 

Harris had the opportunity to pick someone who was not a lunatic. That candidate was the other Governor, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania but, and the reality is that Shapiro is Jewish and that is the Mark of Cain in this Election Year. More prosaically, it is the non-Jewish populations in Michigan and elsewhere that would frown on such a selection.

In the final analysis, over the next few months, both Harris and Walz will be vetted. Where they stand and what they will support will be fully realized. In time, Trump will debate Harris and Vance will confront Walz. The results from those exchanges will further crystalize things and a better sense of where everybody stands will be in the offing.

As Hendricks said: "All Along the Watchtower."


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