Word Salad Dressing. . .

(Word Salad Dressing. . .)

Bleu Cheese or Ranch ?

Words can be some of the most powerful tools in the English Language. How they are used, what emotions do they convey can depend on context. Of course, in politics, words can make or break a candidate. A few weeks ago, the Presidential Race was Donald Trump's to lose. Why ? He has been talking less about policy and more on personalities, namely that of the Vice President and her running mate. Trump has used terms like "dumb," in-competent," that she could not hold a debate like he can. Ant veracity of these comments aside, at the moment they are not what people want to hear.

As for Mrs. Harris, she can only parrot Donald Trump for so long because, over time, no one would believe her. If Vice President Harris is truly espousing these "reformed" positions and has moved away from the far-left fringe, then Paul's Road to Damascus would have been less a conversion. The reality is that once in Office, Harris would not need the reforms and would govern as she had always intended.

Both Campaigns are at the point where the messaging needs to be altered, especially for former President Trump. His has always been the winning formula and he has said as much. He has his tax cut plan. He has his energy plan.  He has his tariff plan. He has plans to renew the economy if he gets back to the White House.

Those plans would not be those of the Vice President. With Chicago mere days away, and Harris will give her own acceptance speech, what tone will she set then ? Will it be the "new" Kamala, who sounds reasonable, who sounds like Trump ? Or, considering the audience, will be the reliably liberal self ? There two paths out of Chicago. Either she emerges as a candidate that can best Trump or, to shore up her base, she adopts her original program and campaigns on that basis.

Donald Trump knows what he needs to do as well or. more specifically, what to say. The former President has his instincts and at the moment, they are telling him to be confrontational, to name call. It is clear that the Democrat move to install Harris caught the Trump Campaign off guard and the required re-adjustment has yet to be formulated. Trump needs discipline at the moment and if he can re-organize along those lines, he can recover his momentum.

For the moment, that lies with Vice President Hattis. 


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