Labor Pains. . .

(Labor Pains. . .)

Happy Labor Day !

It is common question being asked of Vice President Harris, "Will the real one stand up ?" Her position changes are becoming infamous. But what about President Biden ? He still thinks he runs the Oval Office and thinks he can still do President stuff like go the Situation Room for a briefing on Israel and to criticize Prime Minister Netanyahu for not reaching a deal with Hamas. As was true from the beginning, President Biden has been the last one qualified to offer Israel any counsel. To his credit, Netanyahu has ignored Biden's advice and the murder of those six hostages. while tragic, is collateral damage. And that happens in War. If the President wanted a cease fire deal, and this was mentioned yesterday, Biden could helped Israel end the war where Hamas would have been defeated early and the hostages recovered. But no one told the President.

Al Bundy, from Married With Children, once called Labor Day as "the day off for the people who work (Bundy sold women's shoes) with people who don't." The struggle of the working man, how the proletariat will rise up and end history. Or so it said in the Cliff Notes to the Communist Manifesto. Labor, and its Unions, the AFL-CIO, Teachers' Union and so on, has been an un-escapable aspect of American politics and some in organized crime. Traditionally, Labor has voted Democratic though that trend has been decreasing in years. Republicans that are more labor friendly as the Democrat Party is becoming one for the elites.

Teamsters Head, Sean O'Brian, who spoke at the Republican National Convention, has yet to decide if he will endorse the former President or give his backing to Vice President Harris. He would need to speak with her. O'Brian would need to interview her. As Harris is loath to sit down with anyone other than Dana Bash. meeting O'Brian could pose a problem. Teamsters, and the rest of organized labor for that matter, will be figuring prominently in November.

What happens then if the Harris interview craters, and O'Brian endorses Trump in the end ? How many of the thousands of union members, or open shop players will flock to Trump and Republicans based on O'Brian's recommendation ? Harris needs to kiss the ring to O'Brian and offer due deference to his and other movements.

What are the states of these unions and how will they affect the elections ? The Vice President meeting with Boss O'Brian will have ramifications. To what extent remains to be seen, 


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