(Not SAVEd)

In an event as important as voting for President, one would typically prefer to not have anyone off the street casting a ballot. Too many get their information off TikTok or some other platform. Their approach to issues is therefore not informed and is subject to bias. However, those who do vote should have the legal right to do so. That would require proof of American Citizenship. That usually requires some form of identification. Drivers' Liscence, Library Card, Birth Certificate and so on.

Identification is required for most private or commercial activity. But when it comes to voting, these requirements are seen as burdensome, especially for minorities. It is a specious argument as identification is a requirement modern life. What largely Democrats are arguing is that while their voters will get to the polls, not all of them will be legal.

Therefore, legislation has been introduced in the House called the SAVEd (Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility) Act that would require documentation of citizenship before a vote is cast. This bill was going to be attached to the Continuing Resolution that would fund the government through the Spring, SAVE was supposed to be a rider but with an enamel thin House GOP Majority and no Democrat support, SAVE had to be pulled. The Bill would have had no chance in the Senate much less to a "President's" Desk.

Early voting is all but underway. Opening acts are in North Carolina and Pennsylvania but what percentage of the tallies will be from non-citizens ? Across the country, illegal aliens are being given drivers licenses which is only a heartbeat from an actual voter registration. One knows where that leads. This whole SAVE episode, however, is another indication of how House Republicans cannot govern. The SAVE Act could not be bi-partisan because it would be inimical to the interests of one Party.

If Vice President Harris wins this November, a large portion of her totals would be from non-citizens. One can expect fraud this year and the efforts of the Republican National Committee, while valiant, will probably fall short in the end of effectively countering Democrat voting efforts; between the harvesting and drop boxes, come Election Day, like in 2020, Democrat voted will still be counted while Republicans' will have exhausted their totals.

So, "Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility," while a laudable concept, only Americans can vote restricts Democrat chances. They cannot win as a Party unless the focus on process is maintained. That is the reason for harvesting and the like. That being said, even of Trump prevails, his coattails will not be sufficiently long to save the rest of the GOP, which could not be SAVE'd themselves.


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