Corrrleation Of Forces. . .

(Correlation Of Forces. . .)

Since the Russo-Ukraine War began almost three years ago, some Russian 600,000 casualties have been incurred. That is greater than any Soviet/Russian conflict, including Afghanistan, since the end of the Second World War. In what was supposed to be a few day affair back in 2021 has lasted this long with no strategic decision for with side. Ukrainian President Zelenski has a five-step plan for a terminal offensive. However, correlation of forces still favors Russia.

Zelenski had presented the Biden Administration what he has been calling his "Victory Plan." Oo paper it might look like dynamite. But Russia maintains the advantage in virtually every category. Ukraine is deficient in personnel, weapons, communications, air power and so on. That being said, Zelenski has no plan to define what "victory" in the Victory Plan would actually mean. There is no defined use of assets that could alter situations on the ground that could in-connivence the Russians to any great degree.

Zelenski is making assumptions about those facts on the ground that have not been manifest. Russians have re-occupied certain positions and could re-take the entire Don basin and, as this has become a war of attrition, each time Ukraine takes a step forward, Russia forces two steps back.

Of course, fire-power would be a problem. Asset shortcomings were a fact of life from Day One. And Russia would have a larger army. In times past, Russia, by virtue of its size and population, had been known as the "Russian Steamroller." At the moment, the total size of the Russian Armed Fores is over 2 million with one and a half million on active duty.

Finally, the Russian economy is much larger than that of the Ukraine. As Vice President Harris once commented on the Russo-Ukraine conflict, hers was a succinct: "Russia is a big country that invaded a small country." Brilliant ! Maybe she should run for President. 

From the outset, Ukraine could not hope to win over Russia. She could bleed Moscow and has to tune of 600,000+ casualties. One way or another, the war is coming to an end, with or without any Victory Plan.


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