MACH 1 Campaigbuing

(MACH 1 Campaigning)

Happy Columbus Day !

As is the case for many, Columbus Day can be problematic. There might be the Columbus Day Parade. the Knights of Columbus and all of the towns named after the famous Explorer. However, in keeping with left-inspired revisionist history that Columbus' discovery of the Americas and their subsequent colonization led to genocide and all the other ills that came with it. Which begs the question. Should Spanish Queen Isabella had kept her jewels and Columbus stayed home ?

October 14th is also known for another anniversary. In 1947, at what would eventually be named Edwards Air Force Base, Captain Charles "Chuck" Yeager, piloted the Bell X-1 past the Sound Barrier, about 767 miles per hour, or MACH 1. As an aircraft approaches the Barrier. the air literally cannot get out of the way resulting in extensive aero-dynamic drag. Overcoming that drag accelerates the aircraft through the sound barrier and when that is accomplished, a sonic "boom" is heard reflecting off the ground.

In an Election Year. like this one, campaigns seem to be running at the speed of sound or as all that has happened this year, assassination attempts, coups, and word salads. The Campaign is now at the terminal phase with barely three weeks to go before Election Day. As it happens, however, most of the ballots will have already been cast as early voting, and mail-in ballots, which traditionally favors Democrats, has been underway for some weeks. This year, Republicans are attempting the same thing, not waiting till November 5th.

Election Day used to be a one-day affair with paper ballots. However, even that could be problematic (remember the "hanging chad ?" New voting measures that were put in place, namely digitizing the process, allowed for expediting the process but it lacked a physical copy, which remains the only proof of the intent of the voter.

Which will be what on this last stretch ? It is said that war is politics by other means, but it can also be said that politics is war by other means. It is a war with battlelines, territories, won and lost, and all those in the middle.

MACH 1 indeed.


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