She Sells Sanctuary. . .

(She Sells Sanctuary. . .)

". . ."Hope you find, Sanctuary"

The Cult was an 80's heavy metal band with the above track from the 1985 album "Love" At the time, it got a lot of air play. The "term" sanctuary means some place sheltered, where people can gather to avoid persecution. So is the logic for so-called "Sanctuary Cities." These are Democratic run municipalities that have high crime and crumbling infrastructure. In the aftermath of the open border policy, and Stares like Texas took the collection of illegal immigrant and sent then to Sanctuary Cities like Chicago and New York. 

Immigrant crime has been a result. Central and South American gangs have been roaming loose. There have been a series of rapes and murders committed by these migrants. In cities affected, the costs for housing has risen into the billions. Meanwhile, in cities like New York, what had been star class hotels are now little more than warehouses for illegal migrants.

These regimes remain in power because they are voted in continually.  The high crime and all the other consequences are endured, A change in leadership could improve the situation. One would think that would be an easy decision. An improvement in the quality of one's life. What is not to love ? If people are agreeing with the policy out of some guilt, however, of they somehow believe they deserve this state of affairs ?

One who is not accepting that argument is Donald Trump. Immigration has become a campaign issue and one of the ideas Trump has developed would be to "end" sanctuary cities by Executive Order. How else ?  These cities have been Democrat-controlled for decades and the Sanctuary City policy is just as old. All of a sudden, a new President of which no one wants to place back into Office is going to remove a tradition by fiat ?

If Sanctuary Cities do get dis-continued, on Trump's say so or not, it will be a realization that the practice, when taken to logical extremes, where everybody is taken, as it has in recent years, has been making the whole process absurd. Unfettered immigration as what is the case now leads to the exact crime as being witnessed. One hopes you'll find. . . 



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