Million Dollar Bananas ?
(Million Dollar Bananas ?)
The question as whether something qualifies as "art" is as ancient as the form itself. There have been innumerable definitions over the years and there has never been a single definition that could satisfy such a range of opinion. However, one can say with some reasonable justification that a "banana duck-taped to a wall" falls short of that classic definition. Anybody could replicate the piece but who would be willing to pay up to a million bucks. One can only hope the Tape is free and will the fruit eventually be eaten ? If there are million dollar bananas, what will happen to the price of a Balance of Nature bottle ?
To pay a million for something perishable, art or not, requires some eccentricity. President Biden on the other hand, might not be the type to buy said bananas (he spends on everything else and at a lot more than a million dollars) but his few weeks as President have not been good ones. He expanded the use of American munitions, long range attack missiles and land mines, to the Ukraine, for use against Russia. In response, President Putin has states he will be relaxing requirements for the use of nuclear weapons. With the situation escalating, the U.S. has closed the Embassy in Kiev.
Then there was Peru. It has been the convening of the G-20 that included China. The President seemed listless and wandered off to get lost behind a palm tree. He ignored desperate calls from the accompanying media. In a continuation that Biden should be limiting public exposure. Unfortunately, Biden remains President until Trump gets sworn. So, he still has to do things, as President, for which he is no longer capable.
As it happens, these days are commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad. From November 19th, 1942, till February, 1943, the German Sixth Army was destroyed. Now, only a few hundred miles west, Ukraine is fighting Russia with American weapons. Vladimir Putin is altering his tactical posture. Now how does President Biden and his decision-making process and how he thought arming the Ukraine to escalate with Russia or getting lost in Peru.
Biden's time is short and maybe these are the last gasps of his Administration. That does not mean that arming the Ukrainians or getting lost in Peru will do anything for his legacy. On the Brightside, perhaps he could bid on that banana.
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