Expiration Date,. . .

(Expiration Date,. . .)

There is a common story told about Capitol Hill. A brand-new House Freshman goes to one of the more senior legislators and asks him/her "where is the enemy," thinking of the other Party. The more senior Member who had more experience, replies that the "enemy," is the Senate. This year, however, there is a time constraint. Like the Angel of Death. the President-Elect has been causing the collapse of governments, among which is France. When the Notre Dame Cathedral re-opens, Trump will be attending in contrast to current President Biden who fell asleep in Angola.

Trump has an expiation date. He has two years to attempt his agenda so certain items for passage. Among the more urgent is the Trump tax reform bill. Sueh measures had been central to his Campaign; no levies on tips, Social Security and so on. As had been reported, there are two Reconciliation Bills that have been planned from the House to the Senate but the tax reform is being included in the SECOND measure.

It is the stated preference of the House of Representatives that the tax bill be included in the first Bill. The House GOP Conference only has a 219-215 Majority. Every Republican Member will have be a "yes" on the tax bill and at least move the Bill to the Upper Chamber. It will then be up to Majority Leader Thune to decide how to proceed. If the reform is not passed in time, the previous tax reductions would have expired. resulting in an automatic tax hike.

Which is not what anybody needs, least of all the President-Elect. It is a question of priority. Tax cuts are a central element to Trump's agenda but also immigration and energy are also central. The Senate will need to walk and chew gum because, whether or not they admit things, their agenda is Trump's agenda and the earlier that fact gets acclimated, the better.

There is, therefore, a limited opportunity. Donald Trump is a fresh carton of milk. Whole milk, not that low fat stuff. But, like milk, whole or otherwise, needs to be consumed, or get thrown out. There is a limited with which to act.


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