If You Build It, They Will Come

(If You Build It, They Will Come)

Ray Kinsella was an Iowa farmer that heard that voice and built a baseball field in the middle of his acreage. Soon, ghosts of past baseball greats, like "Shoeless Joe" Jackson came and held matches. Burt Lancaster had a role as one who abandoned a baseball career to become a doctor.

What did Donald Trump build ? Like Ray Kinsella in Iowa, instead of dead ball players, Trump has been assembling billions of dollars in investment. The $500 billion Stargate announcement and the three tech CEOs to assemble AI data centers. But it is going beyond that. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince bin Salman wants to invest $600 billion in the U.S. over the next four years. The President is also asking the Kingdom along with OPEC to increase oil production. 

In the President's own appearance at Davos, he discussed his tax plans and how companies should manufacture in the United States, or face tariffs. It was Trump's pitch that manufacturing within the confines of this country would allow for lower taxes and reduced regulation, conducive to economic development. Trump's speech, delivered from the White House.

Trump's tone sounded like an ultimatum, however and the last time one had an ego this big, Emperors still ruled in Rome. Granted, Trump did mount the greatest political resurrection since Winston Churchill (who had been similarly discarded only to stage his own return). If the game is not played to his standards, if corporations do not settle in this country, in the President's mind, subsequent levies would be justified.

Trump always complains about fairness as he has been the victim of unfair practices ever since he first ran for Office. Europe, according to Trump has been un-fair, not selling American cars and other products. The objective truth is that Trump has the bigger economy, that is doing very well as he would say, and any tariff so applied against the E.U. or indeed China.

President Trump is a bull in a China shop. He is a magnet and he re-writing history as well as the world map. He is like a Blues' Brother and a mission from God. He was spared, after all.


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