The Lone Gunmen

(The Lone Gunmen)

In the latter half of the 20th Century, there were three assassinations of note. President John F. Kennedy in November 1963, his brother Robert F. Kennedy in summer of 1968 and the Reverend Martin Luther King April of that year. In each case, each man was felled by a "lone gunman." Lee Harvey Oswald in the case of President Kennedy, Sir Han Sir Han for Senator Robert Kennedy, and James Earl Ray who assassinated Reverend King.

In each case, the assassins acted alone, or that is what conventional wisdom has held. In the aftermath of President Kennedy's death, a commission headed by Chief Justice at the Time, Earl Warren assembled a body whose final report indicated that Oswald had acted alone and was not a part of any broader conspiracy.

Which raises a question. A simple gunman on the sixth floor of the School Book Depository discharging three rounds, one wounding Texas Governor John Connally but Kennedy taking two, one hitting his neck and the second fatally hit the President in the back of the head. But is that the end ? There have been numerous movies and TV shows over the years that suggest a wider conspiracy. What if President Kennedy was targeted for assassination by members of his own Administration like DCI Allen Dulles or Joint Chiefs Chairman Maxwell Taylor ? Kennedy had aborted the Bay of Pigs action, which then led to the Cuban Missile Crisis that could have resulted in the Third World War.

What about Bobby Kennedy and Reverand King ? As peopled are generally aware, Robert Kennedy was running for the Democrat Nomination in 1968 when he was killed by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Dr King was also assassinated on the balcony of a Memphis motel, April 4th. 1968.

Is this all ? That these three individuals could accomplish their atrocities without the assistance of external elements ? Robert F. Kennedy Jr, President Trump's Nominee to head The Health and Human Services Department. President Trump has promised to de-classify files on all three assassinations.

If there is more than any of these stories, if wider experiences do exist, those who chaired the relevant investigations would know the big picture. Chief Justice Warren and his Panel would know of possible CIA involvement but could not include it in the Warren Report because it would compromise the Agency. Likewise, if the Soviets or Cubans, or even Organized Crime had a more active role in Kennedy's death, the consequences could be disastrous.

That being said, what has been hidden for decades will be exposed. Let chips fall where they may.


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