Looking For Mister Goodbar ?

(Looking For Mr. Goodbar ?)

Nominally, one is talking about the Hershey chocolate confection with peanuts. It is also a 1977 film with Diane Keaton where a schoolteacher wants to live the wild life until it kills her. The candy-bar is more appealing, In any event, who is looking for a "Mr. Goodbar" themselves ? The Democrat Party is looking for who could be called Party Leader. President Trump has endorsed the House process for his Big Beautiful Bill to which the Senate still needs to acclimate.

Who is the head of the Democratic Party ? When the Civil War erupted, the only viable senior officer was General Winfield Scott. In time, General Robert E. Lee took command of the Army of Northern Virginia whereas President Lincoln went through a series of Union commanders before deciding on Ulysses Grant. There is no shortage of senior Democrats going back to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. President Biden can be dis-counted. Nancy Pelosi ? Surly not former Vice President Harris.

Jimny Buffet had an album "Changes in Latitude, Chaings in Attitude." In addition to a new titular head, the Party needs a new platform. Those elements of the DEI or CRT that are maintained by Democrats will not allow for the Party's reset. If the far left with the beyond radical ideas, New ideas as such can be useful but when they cast the original ideology in doubt. they become problematic.

As has been said, however, the best chance for a Democrat recovery is a GOP collapse. President Trump is preferring the House program that is at odds with the Senate. The most critical aspect of the Trump agenda is the tax extension and the consequences of failure in that regard. But that does not automatically translate to renewed Democrat success. People will need at some point to want to vote for a Democrat.

Back to square one. 


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