One Meet Brawl. . .
(One Meet Brawl. . .)
From the repertoire of "Grover" the Groundhog:
"A groundhog and his shadow are a very famous pair. They forecast the weather, together, a trick that is rare. One little thing that bothers me, when out of doors I go, will be like springtime, or sixteen feet of snow. Never know which. I just can't remember. Will it be warm or made like December ? The whole just confuses me and that is why I sing:
A groundhog's shadow doesn't mean a thing !
Happy Groundhog Day, As of now, Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his lair at Gobbler's Knob and predicted six more weeks of the cold stuff. However, Phil is not the object of this exercise. In a classic Porky Pig animated feature, "One Meat Brawl" it was Porky, hunting dog Mandrake and Grover the groundhog. The idea is to get Grover stuffed to add to Porky's collection. In the end, all three end up fighting but against a light so it looked like a drag out fight until Porky is seen "shadow boxing. That way, no gets hurt"
A "one meet brawl" in other words is the meeting of the Democrat National Committee to elect new leadership. The one settled is Ken Martin to be the new Chairman of the DNC. Martin is one who has called President Trump a traitor and that he should have been prosecuted. But Trump is now in the White House and Martin is the one who has to lead his Party out of catastrophic defeats.
That being said, what does Martin have with which to work ? DEI policies, aside from the fact that the Trump Administration is working to reverse those practices. Men in women sports ? Enforcement of proper pronouns ? Open borders ? The list and legacy of the Biden Administration is the reason of why President Trump won. Trump won because he ran on common sense. Most voters like common sense.
That being said, if Martin at DNC cannot embrace the left wing of his Party, regardless of how dominant that faction might be. In other words. the Party needs to re-locate to the center. That is sound advice under circumstances. The political spectrum is a circle, not a line. One takes the extreme right, like Adolf Hitler and the extreme left, Josef Stalin, one would not say their respective temperaments are not that dis-similar.
However, there is limited space in the center as well. In having the Democrat Party migrate off its extreme position on the left and begins to reflect more a centrist pose, ideologically, there could be a new term that Martin could saddle his saddle his Party. Democrats could become Republicans.
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