
Showing posts from January, 2024

Performance Issues. . .

(Performance Issues. . .) Sometimes, relationships do not work out. A certain degree of performance is expected and when that expectation is not necessarily met, removal of that individual and the termination of the relationship. Homeland Security Secretary, Alajandro Mayorkas is being impeached by the GOP controlled House because he is being blamed for the situation at the border, despite the fact that Mayorkas is following deliberate Administration policy. To be sure, this is no crusade for finding truth. Impeaching the Homeland Security Secretary is a gross political act from a Congress hostile to Mayorkas and, by extension, President Biden. Republicans point to the fentanyl deaths, the drugs and human trafficking. Another border policy is required but those are steps the Administration is not willing to take. And that is why Mayorkas is on the chopping block. There is federal law governing the border that the Biden Administration...

Yu An The Dollar

(Yu An The Dollar) Whenever there is a dominant power, the world reserve currency, means of exchange, is also dominant. When the British Empire was still "Where the Sun Never Set," the main currency was the Pound ( £). As the United States rose to prominence, the reserve currency became the Dollar ($). As long as there was a strong U.S., no nation has a need to get off dollar-based transactions. However, the value of the Dollar can fluctuate against other currencies. It can be strong against some, weaker against others. One thing that can make it weaker is the $34 trillion of public debt, the realities of the Joe Biden economy (Bidenomics), inflation, energy costs, and the list goes on. Under these circumstances, the U.S. Dollar becomes less attractive. One economic analyst even went as far to suggest that "the Dollar is finished and that the Chinese yuan ( ¥)  should now become the world's new reserve currency. If that were to materialize, it would rank towards the...

Making More Sense

(Making More Sense) It was reported that President Biden was in effect cancelling a large Liquid Natural Gas terminal in Louisiana. At first blush, one could attribute the decision to Biden's general war on fossil fuels. The truth is somewhat more complex and more troubling. The cancellation had been based on "influencers" from Tic Tok. In a way, the loss of the LNG terminal makes sense. Tik Tok is controlled by China and has millions of users, like Minions from the Despicable Me movies. By having an American President not proceed with an energy project because of what was seen on the platform, works to Chinese interest. Biden has to know that. The question is does he care ?  The Tik Tok cadre in question are largely the young and excessively na ïve type and are not generally aware of Beijing's influence, speaking of influencers, who are as green as Biden, who is playing into China's hands. And now Iran ? Three U.S. Service Members were killed in Jordan the other...

Strange Bedfellows

(Strange Bedfellows) How many times have "marriages" of convenience or "political alliances" where the people involved do not necessarily hold each other in high esteem. LBJ was not a fan of JFK but, because there was a need to win Texas in 1960, Johnson was added to the Democrat Ticket. Another more recent story, is the relationship Mitch McConnell has had with Donald Trump. In the 2016 Campaign, McConnell, like most so-called "establishment" Republicans, wanted to discard Trump at the outset, McConnell even wanting to drop the then Republican candidate "like a hot rock." Senator McConnell was never MAGA. His approach to "America first" was ambivalent at best. In a current Senate Bill, that funds Ukraine and Israel, but the real crisis has been at the southern border. President Biden is seeking some "compromise" where the border would be closed after an illegal entry of 5,000 migrants. Which is missing the point. The idea is ...

Siege Of The Alamo

(Siege Of The Alamo) Any visitor to Downtown San Antonio will recognize the City's most famous landmark, the Alamo. An old Spanish mission that means "Cottonwood" in English was the site where the likes of Jim Bowie, William Barrett Travis and Davy Crockett and about another 185 Texians defended the Mission and its compound for thirteen days against the Army of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana and his 5,000 troops. The garrison was finally reduced on March 6, 1836. However, the Texian defeat at the Alamo and another one at Goliad, bought time for General Sam Houston time to fall back and then face Santa Ana at San Jacinto. There, Houston's army surprised the Mexicans and yelling "Remember the Alamo, Remember Goliad !" all but wiped out the Mexican force. Santa Ana was captured and was forced to recognize the Republic of Texas. Which is now the State of Texas and, like 1836 Texas War of Independence, there is a new invasion from Mexico. Not the armed body o...

Who's Bigger Than U.S. Steel ?

(Who's Bigger Than U.S. Steel ?) Hyman Roth was Jewish gangster, a close associate of "Godfather," Vito Corleone. When the elder Corleone passed, and the Family Business passed to Michael Corleone, Roth began to maneuver against the younger "Don." At the time, the Batista regime in Cuba was allowing crime organizations to conduct business in an unmolested manner. As Roth put it, "they had what they always had needed. A government that would allow them to collect their profits without some interference." Then, in a conversation with Michael Corlone, Roth made the remark, "We're bigger than U.S. Steel." U.S. Steel, such as it is, will now get a "Made in Japan" label. This company that can trace its origins to Andrew Carnegie himself, instead of selling itself to a domestic steel producing concern, U.S. Steel is being bought by a Japanese consortium. The reason ? The two steel manufacturing concerns could result in an almost monopo...


("Co-Emperors") The Pax Romana, "Roman Peace" was a roughly two century period where the Roman Empire was at its height. Its decline began with the onset of the Third Century, where there was a revolving door of Emperors, each Legion declaring its own commander to the Purple. The Empire was on the verge of collapse altogether until the ascent of Emperor Diocletian in 270 C.E. It was Diocletian that first divided the Empire into East and Weat and also divided the Office of Emperor into four, the Tetrarchy , two Augustus' and two Caesars. Diocletian's ' reforms stabilized the Empire and possibly allowed it another century. However, the Tetrarchy  began to fracture as soon as Diocletian's death. Civil war broke out almost immediately between the four "emperors." In the West, it was Constantine, an "Augustus" and Licinius, also an "Augustus," was sent East. In the West, Constantine was able to triumph over rival Maxentius al...

Seeking Solace ?

(Seeking Solace ?) So, Donald Trump won the New Hampshire Primary, an eleven-point margin over Governor Haley. This result, however, is giving the impression that the former U.N. Ambassador has life in her campaign because Trump was not able to deliver a more decisive outcome. As one has been saying for days, the Granite State can be a queer animal. Because Haley was not wholly eviscerated, she can still raise money, she can hold rallies and continue to campaign. But for how long ? New Hampshire is over but that is the only state with the requisite independents and so-called "free thinkers" that could defy conventional thinking, that, in this case, a major Trump whopping of Haley, that did not quite come to pass. So, in final analysis, Governor Haley secured some breathing room, at least enough to get her to South Carolina, where the margin for Trump is more significant. The Haley episode is a double-edged sword and does pose some risk to Donald Trump. The Haley voters this t...

Last Of A Dying Breed

(Last Of A Dying Breed. . .) Lynard Skynyrd is a southern rock institution. The days of Ronnie, Steve and Cassie might be long gone, but the band writ large endured. A few years ago. the band charted its last hit: "Last of a Dying Breed." The song is appropriate because, in the current realm of Hip Hop and Pop, there is no place for classic rock. Like "Skynyrd's" song, the so-called Republican establishment could be considered its own "dying breed." Like the Democrat Party, the Republican Party is a spectrum. The older, more establishment Republicans, comprise the donor class. These are the Republicans that are suspicious of Donald Trump. Republican Governors, past and current, like Ohio's Kasich or New Hampshire's Sununu, and indeed, Presidential Candidate Haley who remains in the race. That being said, tonight's New Hampshire contest is like a playing field, one side is Donald Trump and his America First voters and on the other side the ...

John Hancock Was From Boston

(John Hancock Was From Boston) John Hancock was a wealthy Boston merchant. He was also a member of the Second Continental Congress and was its Chair. With the end result, the Declaration of Independence, the most prominent signature was that of John Hancock. In subsequent years, when one is asked to sign a document, he could be prompted to give his "John Hancock." Tomorrow is the New Hampshire Primary and on the Republican side there are now only two, Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. President Biden, however, is not on the Ballot in New Hampshire, whether he is aware of that or not. New Hampshire Democrats were bypassed in favor of South Carolina going first. But, as an alternative, President Biden could receive "write-in" votes. Even with this option, Biden is still polling at 61%. At best, that would be a shot in the dark. For an average Granite State voter, taking an extra step to pen in the name of the President could prove ponderous. Biden has not campaigned in th...

Breaking The Great Wall

(Breaking The Great Wall) The Great Wall of China is a remarkable architectural achievement. At over thirteen thousand miles long, it rises on the Chinese coast and terminates in the depths of the Gobi Desert. The wall was constructed over the span of several Dynasties, beginning in earnest with the Chin. The wall of which most tourists take pictures today, however, were built by the Ming. The Wall is a remarkable piece of engineering but in its primary function, keeping the Jongno , barbarians from the north, out of China proper, it failed. Such incursions could be common, especially if the Wall was under-manned by some dynastic weakness or other. Indeed, dynasties have fallen because the Wall could not hold an invasion. The Ming Dynasty fell to an invasion of Manchus. In turn, the Manchus formed the Qing Dynasty, China's last. Today, the Jongno in question could be Donald Trump. The Peoples' Republic is not Davos, but Beijing's reaction could be just as telling. From t...

Heroic Efforts.. .

(Heroic Efforts. . .) At what point does one capitulate ? When is the reality of a situation become so final that these is little utility in continued participation. That being said, some situations have to be played to the bitter end. Why is Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley still in the Presidential race ? The original logic for both campaigns has been dispelled. All the assumptions of Trump's viability as a candidate, that he could not beat President Biden required so-called Trump alternatives that, at the time, were the only ones who could defeat Biden. Then came Iowa. Nea Hampshire is next week with Trump at 50%, Haley at 33%. The revised thinking is that the former South Carolina Governor needs to run the tables in the Granite State and she has the endorsement of that state's Governor as well as that of the Peoples' Republic if Vermont, who ironically has a Republican Governor in Montpelier, Phil Scott. Like Sununu in Concord, who is also no fan of Trump either, he is back...

Trump's OTHER Campaign

(Trump's OTHER Campaign) One of the more serious infractions committed by President Trump and why he had to be removed in 2020 is what more damage he could do to the Supreme Court. Trump was able to seat three Nominees to the High Bench and if his Administration had continued, he could have been able to seat a fourth, in place of Associate Justice Jackson. Four so-called "conservatives" would have sealed a 6-3 Majority, the wild card possibly being the Chief Justice himself. As it happens, there is a case on the Supreme Court docket that is all but tailor made for a Trump inspired Court. Basically, New Jersey fishing vessels go out, attempt to secure their catch, and come back. Accompanying these trips is an observer from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, who gets paid $700 per sortie, regardless if there were any fish caught. The argument is that a fisherman with no fish and hence no income should not have to also pay the NOAA bureaucrat. So, the...

Running Interference. . .

(Running Interference. .  .) In this last week, only Donald Trump's was not a catastrophe. China is experiencing economic woes. In the recent cold, all the vaunted electric vehicles could not run. As the New Hampshire Primary is mere days away, Donald Trump holds a 50% advantage with Governor Haley at 33%. Governor DeSantis all the back at 5%. For his part, President Biden will not even appear on the New Hampshire but he will be in Raleigh to discuss Bidenomics. On the surface, the former President seems to be on his way to the GOP Nomination. However, before the Republican Convention, this year, July 15-18 in Milwaukee, Trump will be in court in various venues at various times. Trump will not necessarily be able to campaign to the level in which he would need. So, what is required is a surrogate, one who could speak in his place. A choice for his Vice President would be able to campaign on Trump's behalf if he is in court. Now the identity of this individual is yet to be...

For Those Less Enthused. . .

(For Those Less Enthused. . .) The news of Trump's success in Iowa was not universally well received. Trump has had his detractors, the legions of so-called "never Trump" still exist. As mentioned yesterday, the Davos Conference is again underway but its recent acolyte, Climate Tsar of the Biden Administration, John Kerry, resigned his post in order to assist Joe Biden's re-election efforts. However, there are those beyond Davos or Kerry that are dreading a new Trump Administration. The media, perhaps with the exception of Fox News, never had love for Trump. Indeed, many in newsrooms or on air have seen themselves as activists with the mission to compromise the former, and possibly future President. The "talent" at CNN or MSNBC go on television and complain that someone as dis-reputable as Donald Trump is still so popular and is having considerable electoral success. What happened to "even the jungle wants him dead ? That Trump was not likely to prevail...

Return Of The "Interference" Candidate

(Return Of The "Interference" Candidate) Yesterday, The ( Daily ) Vent turned thirteen. Since 2010, there has been an almost "daily" contribution to these Pages for the Author's own version of (expletive deleted). In 2016, former New York real estate guy and The Apprentice TV star, Donald Trump announced his intention to seek the GOP Nomination for President. At the time, these Pages called Trump the "interference" candidate because there was little evidence that Trump would be little more than a spoiler for the rest of the Republican Presidential field. Then, Trump won and the plots to remove him from the White House began immediately. On Trump's Inauguration Day, an article in the Washington POST read when Trump's impeachment would begin. From the start, there was the Russian collusion myth. The Mueller Investigation, that produced absolutely nothing. The only reason President Trump was impeached, twice, was because Republicans lost the H...

Winter Of Dis-Content

(Winter Of Dis-Content) A confluence of events. Today, January 15th, is firstly, Martin Luther King Jr Day. It is also the day for the Iowa Caucus. Finally, today is the thirteenth anniversary of these Pages. On January 15th, 2010, The ( Daily ) Vent first went on air. This "Accounting of Current Events and Popular Culture" is now a teenager. Sadly, there has been more "current events," read politics, than so-called "popular culture." In any event, however, to those have come here since the beginning one can only hope the experience has been entertaining. As was mentioned, today is the Iowa Caucus. And Iowa, at the moment, resembles a prime piece of Siberian real estate. But, like the hardy residents of that sub-Arctic environment, on Caucus Day, Heaven and Earth sometimes get moved to get to their respective polling place and cast a ballot for their preferred Republican candidate. Right now, there are four. Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and V...

From The Volga To The Vistula

(From The Volga To The Vistula) Napoleon had a saying that an army marches on its stomach. When General Eisenhower was asked about what had won the Second World War, he included the two-ton truck. The reality is one can have the best tank, the best operational doctrine and the ability to maneuver across the battlefield but unless that force is supplied, all the brilliant tactics in the world fail to compare. The true genius in warfare is the one who understands logistics the best. In January, 1945, the Soviets were on what is called the Vistula-Oder offensive that aimed to clear the Germans from Poland. This campaign had been preceded by the massed Soviet effort to clear the Wehrmacht  from  Belorussia and before that, the Ukraine, Donets Basin, the Kursk battle, and finally Soviet victories at Stalingrad, on the Volga. From the Battle of Stalingrad in November, 1942-1943 to the Vistula-Oder operations just in under three years required the Red Army to...

Cantonese Vs Sheshayan

(Cantonese Vs Sheshayan) Many Chinese can speak English. Americans on the other hand only know what they read off the menu at their favorite Chinese restaurant. There are generally two types of Chinese fare. Cantonese that makes use of fried rice among other dishes and Sheshayan which makes use of white rice. The chain P.F. Changs is largely a Sheshayan restaurant. Another Chinese restaurant, Ding How, Chinese for "very good," generally serves Cantonese. Taiwan just elected its next President, William Lai, or Ching Ti in Chinese. He is the candidate for the Democrat Progressive Party and he was able to beat his rival, from the Kuomintang no less, by seven points. Lai is the anti-China choice, standing firm against forced re-unification with the Mainland. Naturally, Lai is not the preferred candidate of Beijing but he obviously is the candidate for Taipei. The Chinese Communist Party made the mistake of telegraphing its intentions so clearly. Re-unification will become a reali...

Houthi Of A Good Time ?

(Houthi Of A Good Time ?) It is a common saying that if one continues to poke a bear, the bear at some point will poke back. That can be serious. Unless one is President Biden, the most poked bear in history, has finally acted more forcefully in the evolving conflict in the Near East. Houthi insurgents that have been harassing Red Sea commerce and have been taking pot-shots at US navy units in theater, were just subjected to a series of air strikes, the usual target list of ammo depots, command and control nodes and so on. These were done with the Secretary of Defense remains in the hospital and the President is a rare find himself. The "war" has been in progress ostensibly since October 7th with the initial Hamas assault on Israel. But the story is older. The Houthi's as a group had been declared a terrorist organization in their own right by President Trump. President Biden for his part, reversed that decision. Today, however, the U.S. and U.K is launching sorties agai...

Must Be Thursday

(Must Be Thursday) What is not in the news these days ? The White House had to play a "Where's Waldo" with Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, who was in the hospital to treat prostate cancer. Hunter Biden crashed his contempt hearing in the House Oversight Committee. Former President Trump is completing his civil trial in New York. However, and more significant, former New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie finally ended his candidacy for President. Chistie is a curious case. As a popular Republican Governor in mostly "blue" New Jersey. Christie was given a headlining speech at the 2016 GOP Convention. When Donald Trump was first elected, the former New Jersey Governor was tagged to head the Trump transition. However, the last time Christie handily won the Executive Mansion in Trenton, several members of his staff wanted to harass the Democrat Mayor of West New York, New Jersey by closing the George Washington Bridge. The stunt back-fired, and the Christie staff memb...

Roarong Piss-Ants

(Roaring Piss-Ants) This last Christmas Season, the Frank Capra classic, Pocket Full of Miracles aired. Bette Davis, Hope Lange, and Glenn Ford. To, briefly recount the story, Ford is a New York bootlegger who has to turn a bag lady into a High Society dame so her daughter, who is set to marry a Spanish Count, would not be embarrassed by her circumstances. In the mean time, a Boss from Chicago wanted to establish a national syndicate and offered Ford a chance to join. Ford demurred, however. He made it clear that Chicago would not be playing in New York unless Ford is paid $100,000. In the end, and seeing the value in adding New York, the Boss acquiesced and paid up. Like Bootlegger Ford in the movie, the President of Mexico is making his own demands on the Biden Administration, if President Biden wants his help in curbing illegal immigration. Mexican President Lopez-Obrador wants $20 billion, visas for 10 million migrants, essentially granting them amnesty, and ending the blockade of...

Mainlining Antacid

(Mainlining Antacids) One can feel sympathy for those who have just intense positions that they often produce excess stomach acid. Heartburn can be a fact of life, worse if one gets angina. Now, there are a lot of medicative techniques, listening to soothing music, learning to golf and so on. These can have palliative effects and could work to restore one's peace of mind. Former First Lady Michelle could use some of these stress relief as she has announced that the idea of another Trump victory "has her terrified." She went on to say that "we can't take this democracy for granted," a not so veiled reference to a potential Donald Trump win. One can understand Mrs. Obama's concerns as they are shared by so many others. The Biden legacy is the Obama legacy and, if Trump is re-elected, all the supposed progress the last two Democrat Administrations will be reversed. If one wants to avoid that outcome ? Michelle Obama for President. Such a candidacy will dete...

Inter-Necine What ?

(Internecine What ?) People always remember when they were younger that there was always a boy, or girl, that insisted on playing the game they wanted to play and if they did not get their way, they would take their "ball" so to speak and go home. In this case, it is the New Hampshire Democratic Party, and in defiance of the Democratic National Committee, who has resolved to hold the first Primary in South Carolina. Altering the Democrat nominating process in this manner is an insult to New Hampshire. It is  a rejection of tradition, going back decades. The Palmetto State has been chosen to go first because Congressman Clyburn (D-SC) has been credited with resurrecting Joe Biden's campaign in 2020. So, as compensation, South Carolina was deemed to be placed in front of New Hampshire. To the obvious chagrin of the Granite State. New Hampshire's Democratic Primary will be held January 23rd. The Democrat National Committee, however, has said that any votes cast would be ...

Un-Defined Health Issues

(Un-Defined Health Issues) Defense Secretary Lloyd Ausitn apparently had a health issue the other day, one sufficiently serious that required time in the Intensive Care Unit. Austin's boss, the President of the United States, Joe Biden. Who, for his part, looked confused and had to be led off stage by his wife, D. Jill. after a speech at Valley Forge. The President has been known to struggle cognitively but it does not say much about a chain of command where the National Command Authority (the President) and his Secretary of Defense are in-capacitated at the same time. Austin was admitted to Walter Reed for an "elective" procedure. Complications arose, hence the escalation of treatment. Austin had failed to inform his Deputy who in turn failed to inform the White House and that is not sitting well with Republican Senators. This has been a break-down in communication that could have had serious consequences. If one looked at Biden at Valley Forge, the most important winter...

Day Of Days. . .

(Day Of Days. . .) January 6th, 2024 is the third anniversary of the date when, by that time "former" President Donald Trump incited a riot for people to go and storm the Capitol and prevent the Certification of 2020's Election results that showed that then Vice President Biden the winner. Donald Trump, however, was convinced that the election was stolen. But the result was what it had to be. Not because more people voted for Biden but because Trump could not be allowed to be re-elected. Fortunately, the pandemic engendered certain rule changes that Democrats used to their advantage, installing Joe Biden as President. Of course, the reality is somewhat more mundane. Donald Trump did leave the White House in a good mood, but he did leave. He left with a feeling of un-finished business and, in plotting his return, he is doing what is required. He is speaking what he will do in 2025, if he gets re-elected. Drill baby drill. Close the border. Sanction the hell out of China an...

Misery :Loves Company

(Misery Loves Company) This Friday is one of those days where the last month's jobs report and today, and some 216,000 jobs were created in December, the un-employment rate came in at 3.7%. All things considered, a solid report. There were figures in the small print that detracted from the overall assessment, but, on the whole, it represented a continued strength in the economy. That being said, this number had nothing to do with Bidenomics. Of course, the President will point to this report and claim credit. Biden needs all the good news he can get whether or not he is truly responsible. The House impeachment investigation is proceeding. One of the planks of the President's possible censure is the catastrophe at the southern border. Since Biden has been in Office, some millions have entered the country illegally, close to eight-hundred thousand in the last three months alone. As to Biden's possible original design that all these illegal aliens will be eventual Democrats, b...

Foot In Mouth Disease

(Foot In Mouth Disease) At times, people just say things that are so stupid that consequences ensue. That is the case of the now former Harvard President Claudine Gay, out after only six months. She, and two other university heads, were unable to say with a straight face that genocide of the Jewish people was a bad thing or that such an incident needed to be placed in a broader context. It is something realized as how Gay got to be Harvard's Chief in the first place. She was no great scholar and what work she did generate was largely plagiarized. How then could she have risen to the head of the most prestigious University in the land ? Like Vice President Harris, Claudine Gay "checked" all the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion boxes. This political correctness run Amuk. Artificial standards get established and consequences can ensue if "violated," Gay's termination has naturally been blamed on racism. No less a figure than Referend Al Sharpton complained that ...

Parting The Red Sea

(Parting The Red Sea) With all due respect to Cicil B. DeMille, Charlton Heston did not part the Red Sea, as Moses or anybody else. If a Hebrew "Exodus" did occur, it was possibly over a reed swamp that eventually led to Caanan (after the 40 years in the Wilderness"). In any event, the Red Sea is the current focus of events in the area. But these events, like most others, need to be placed in context. One can begin with the Iranian destroyer in the Sea's southern reaches. Throughout history, the Near East and South Asia have had their own set of dictators and strong men. In the 1980's, the strong man in question was Libya's Mummar Qaddafi. His belligerency was manifest in a terror campaign with bombings in Germany and Italy. Qaddafi announced the closure of the Gulf of Sidra. When challenged the U.S. Sixth Fleet responded with its own force, downing several Libyan fighter jets. The anti-Qaddafi effort was a raid of about a dozen FB-111 bombers ordered by Pres...

First Contact. . .

(First Contact. . .) Happy New Year's ! Over the last months, going all the way back to Halloween, now one is at the end, looking forward to the next twelve months. That being said, many people attempt to make a promise to themselves that something will be different or "changed" in the New Year. In the vernacular, these would be referred to as New Year's resolutions . These alterations can be things like losing weight, drink or eat less (or more, depending on the situation). To be nicer, more environmentally conscious and so on. As this is January 1st, all these resolutions are fresh. However, by February 1st, how many of these resolutions will already have been "violated ?" Human resolve is no match for human weakness. Wanting to get clean is a lot harder than making a declaratory statement to the contrary. That would go for any other vices, A typical New Year's resolution seldom survives the first dose of reality, Therefore, when was mainlining Champai...