No Laughiing Matter
(No Laughing Matter) The White House Correspondence Dinner was held last night and besides a few representatives from Fox News, the balance of the audience could be described as the creme of the liberal media. In other words, a friendly crowd for the President who had to make an attempt at humor. Countless of comedians are of work and here is the President trying to be funny. A recent poll posed the question as to who people might prefer, Biden or Trump. It has been chronicled how the former has the infrastructure to return him to office, However, that will not mean that the process will be without question. As originally planned, the Biden Administration was to have the President stand as a figurehead. The one chosen as Vice President, however, Ms. Harris, was to be even less. The Vice President was chosen not for any political ability but Kamala Harris did have two things that went for her. She is a woman and she is black. And she is Joe's heartbeat away from becom...