
Showing posts from July, 2024

For How Long ?

(For How Long ?) President Joe Biden will have been in Office for almost four years and this could also be he point when he will be compelled to leave Office. The Biden Presidency has been fraught with controversy with odd policy choices, that are too numerous to be re-listed here. But as the President's true cognitive state was made on full display a week ago Thursday, one has to wonder how long Biden has had this affliction and if it had influenced decisions like Afghanistan or the border. If Bidenomics was similarly derived ? Biden energy policy, the Green New Deal, the Inflation Reduction Act, the American Rescue Plan and so on. Of course, the media are also complicit in this grand deception. They have been running interference for Biden virtually from Day One. making excuses for the man they got into Office and needed to keep him there. In time, however, the evidence of Biden's decline was becoming more obvious, and admittedly more painful. So, Joe Biden has run his race a

As Advertised. . .

(As Advertised. . .) One should take time and read through the Constitution. In recent days, Constitutional principles are being applied be they the "official" immunity granted to former President Trump by the Supreme Court or the possible application of the 25th Amendment in the removal of President Biden. The Supreme Court as well as an "independent" judiciary were enumerated in Article III of the Constitution. There have been any number of Justices, liberal and conservative, over the years and in varying numbers, determining a Court's ideological composition. While he was President, Donald Trump has the opportunity to place three Justices on the Court and that had an impact on granting his immunity.  The Ruling would have its detractors naturally. President Biden saying that the Decision is dangerous and un-precented and Squad Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has even threatened to impeach the offending Associates. For their part, the three Justices that composed

Getting Away With it

(Getting Away With It) This has been an active Supreme Court Term that just concluded its session this morning with its Ruling that President Trump is immune from prosecution while engaged in his Official position as President. The Judgement makes sense because any Chief Executive would re quire immunity as any subsequent Administration could second guess any policy decision. For example, FDR could be charged with Japanese interment. For Trump's case, the actions stem from events from January 6th. The Special Counsel for this "Election Interference" case Jack Smith had been prosecuting for these past months. With the Decision today, Smith's efforts to put Trump in front of another Jury before Election Day is now all but impossible. What SCORUS also said, however, is that while a President is immune while in Office and officially in Office, ex-Presidents have no such protection, So, if upon leaving the White House and Donald Trump holds up a liquor store, he would not