
Showing posts from August, 2024

Caudron Battles

(Caudron Battles) There have been certain engagements in military history where one side is completely annihilated. Cannae, in 218 BCE comes to mind. More recently, in August, 1914, the Battle of Tannenberg in East Prussia, one Russian army was wholly destroyed while another was severely mauled. It was also August of that year that set the tone for the First World War where there would be continued maneuver in the East while in the West, the situation was only a few weeks removed from the trench warfare horror that would soon be called the Western Front. As the "Guns of August" faded into fighting in September, and there had been no resolution in any theater. The idea of "home before the leaves fall" was a miserable failure and it would keep Europe in a death spiral till 1918. No plan survives first contact with the enemy and that is holding true with the Harris interview on CNN. In the aftermath, the consensus is that while she did not spit crumbs. she did not meas

Telling Stories. . .

(Telling Stories. . .) Stories are how a society constructs its narrative. There are short stories, whole volumes in books and so on. And there are true stories and false stories but what happens when an ostensibly true story is labeled "false ?" For example, news stories such the covid virus and the Hunter Biden laptop, while technically "true," proved politically in-convenient for the Joe Biden Presidential Campaign. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerburg recently admitted that he and his Platform had been pressured in 2021 to only repeat the Administration's guidelines when it came to the pandemic. As one will recall, those standards were all wrong. Vaccines, social distance, and masks and even the virus origin so on were all wrong. Then there is the computer from Hunter Biden that could have proved problematic for his father, the President of the United States. In 2020, it could have proved the "October Surprise" for that year so when the story broke by the

Apogee ?

(Apogee ?) On August 29th, the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb. In an instant, the arms race was transformed. The same can be said about the 2024 Presidential Campaign because when Biden was dropped out and Harris anointed, what had been Trump's race to win is has become tied or the Vice President is slightly ahead. That would be bad news for the former President because unless the Trump margin is beyond that of error, the advantage is with Harris. She has avoided the press to date, and she only grudgingly accepted an interview with CNN, with Governor Tim Walz. There has been criticism as to why she cannot do the interview alone. She does not need to. CNN will have a friendly interviewer in Dana Bash. And Walz will be there for support. Harris does have a lot to clarify, like is she really reversing so many positions ? Is she amending her stance on fracking ? On health care ? Does she now support a border wall ? How might she feel about sanctuary cities and would she s

Margin's For Error

(Margin's For Error) (Composed 8-26) The 20-point lead Donald Trump held over Joe Biden as long since evaporated. along with President Biden.  Kamala Harris has filled the resulting vacuum with alacrity, fueled by the media narrative of her success. She is either tied with Trump or the former President might be a point ahead, well within the margin of error. At the moment, Harris has yet to give an in-depth interview. As it happens, today is the third anniversary of the surrender of Afghanistan, to which Vice President was the last in the room. For his part, Trump laid a wreath at Arlington. This, among many other things, is what Donald Trump needs to expose. That being said, it will be the debates that will expose the Vice President and where she stands. The said occasions have not necessarily set in stone. It has been over a month since Harris took the reins and she has yet to be fully vetted. The debates were supposed to be the venue. If there is a question of participation on t

Losing Cronkite

(Losing Cronkite) Newsman Walter Cronkite had been a staple in American living rooms for over twenty years as anchor of the CBS Evening News. Cronkite had a reputation of being honest and had the moniker "the most trusted man in America." When Cronkite reported on the Vietnam War and his dispatches did not necessarily conform with what the Johnson Administration was saying.  President Johnson is purported to have said: "if I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America." It has been a little over a month ago when Donald Trump had a significant lead in the polls over President Biden. Biden's debate performance against Trump last July indicated he could no longer continue. Biden was set aside and coronated Vice President Kamala Harris. It is like Trump had a lead of 20 points or more and, if one were talking basketball, Harris and her "team" have just completed a 20-0 run against Trump. The "score," and also the race, is currently tied. H

Strange Bedfellows ?

(Strange Bedfellows ?) Nikitta Khruschev was General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964. He had survived the power struggle in the wake of the death of Josef Stalin to emerge as the leading Candidate for Party Chair. Khruschev was perhaps more ideological than his predecessors or successors. He believed in the System. He had five children but one son, Sergei, turned out to be a black sheep. When the Soviet Union fell in 1991, Sergei emigrated to the United States and became a naturalized American citizen. He taught engineering at Brown or Princton. Therefore, the life of Sergei Khruschev was in many ways a repudiation of the Communist system and a rejection of his father's way of thinking. Or. Vice President Harris way of thinking. Since the end of the Democrat Convention, where Harris promised tax hikes and price controls, wholly Marxist ideas, she and the General Secretary would probably get along just fine. That would also be true of the like

The Day After . . .

(The Day After . . .) The terrorist attacks September 11th 2001, was one of the worst atrocities ever to befall the American people. Like with any such events of such significance, a "commission," of some sort or another, gets established. The one for September 11th was no different. Who was named for the panel, however, poses a problem. It were the failures of the Clinton Administration that allowed groups like al Queda and others, an FBI that did not network and even after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, there was no increased awareness of the terrorist threat so, when the Day happened, it was an obvious intelligence failure but it had been the failure of the Clinton Administration. So, the politicians sat on that Commission in essence running interference for the former President. Kamala Harris gave her acceptance speech to the Democrat Nomination for President last night and like the 9-11 Commission, she had to defend a failed President. She was not wholly ho

Coming Attraction ?

(Originally Composed Yesterday)  (Coming Attraction ?) Still the deer in the headlights ? Traditionally, a Party's Presidential Nominee gives the last speech at the convention. Tonight it will be no different with Vice President Harris accepting her coronation. In an address of some length, the Democrat standard bearer will be enunciating what her policy will be over the next four years. Either she will keep to the liberal agenda of which she has been a part the last few years or she might add to her lexicon terms like tax cuts. The Democratic Convention has been a bubble. Democrat Royalty each gave his or own speech, largely composed of vitriol directed at former President Trump. However, the theme of the Convention was supposed to be "Joy." This is taking place in the Windy City where people still got shot and even some fatalities. And Illinois Governor Pritzker brags that Democrat Policies do work If this is what the Governor says is success, what would he consider to

Potemkin's Was Less A Village

(Potemkin's Was Less A Village) It can be said Russian civilization reached its height during the Reign of Catherine II, also known as the "Great." An imported German Princess, who under the sponsorship of Russian Empress Elizabeth, "Catherine" was betrothed to Peter III, the Grandson of Peter the Great with his own Germanic origins.  Shortly after ascending the Russian Throne, however, Peter III was deposed by his wife, Catherine who shortly attained the title, the Great. Catherine had many officials, among them a Grigory Potemkin. Potemkin was one of those advisers that kept the real truth from Catherine. The plight of the average Russian was almost Hobbesian: nasty. brutish, and short. Most were still serfs. The rest were in a grinding poverty. To whitewash the situation, Potemkin developed what were called "Potemkin" Villages, façade that disguised the true state of things. When the Empress made a tour, she was able to avoid seeing the misery that

Swans, And Oher Songs

(Swans, And Oher Songs) Last night at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, President Biden gave his swan song address. It was delivered past Prime Time and those who watched had to stay up past their bedtime. It had surely been past Biden's. The Party could not take a chance on giving the President more exposure as his speeches could be gaffe ridden and a further embarrassment. That being said, Biden's tone was angry. He referenced former President Trump at numerous points in the speech, referencing Chancellorsville and January 6th. That was the public face, that of a sad man of the Robert Hur interview who should not be prosecuted. What had been revealed last evening was the President had no real power. He could be tossed aside at any time when he became politically inconvenient. Biden had always maintained that his was to be a "transitional" Administration then passing the torch to Vice President Harris. However, when that scenario gave way to Biden running in his

Ash Heaps Of History

(Ash Heaps Of History) It has been said that "democracies" are the worst forms of government imaginable, save for all other forms. Democracies, especially the "republican" type Are un-wieldy and dis-organized but they can be generally stable. Until there is an attempt to change that stability. At the Democratic Convention in Chicago, the Party will discard President Biden, consigning him to the "ash heap of history" of a sort. At the same time, Nominee Harris is embracing socialism as the guiding principal of her Administration. As it is, there has never been a "successful" socialist government from the Soviet Union then to Cuba and Venezuela today but those are exceptions and in Venezuela, socialist dictator Maduro has been voted out, though he has yet to leave. Joe Biden has been an empty suit since he first entered Congress. He has been told throughout his career that he is important, that he can make a difference. However, Biden was only a me

Repeating History ?

(Repeating History ?) There was a comic strip feature where aliens landed and came to a farmer and asked "Take us to your leader. To which the farmer replied "We don't really have one right now." That is a scary thought. The President of the United States has unique authority over exclusive elements of purview. Like the role of National Command Authority, where the use of nuclear weapons can be approved. If the NCA is still President Biden and all his issues, than who has the finger "on the Button," so to speak ? If that role is not filled for the moment this is a dangerous situation. If there is some nuclear event that would require the U.S. to respond in kind, there conceivably could be a situation where no one is there to give the orders. In any case, the only "nuclear" event could be the Democrat Convention meeting in Chicago. As people know, the last time Democrats were in the Windy City was in 1968. People remember that. The gathering was ch

Jumping The Gun ?

(Jumping The Gun ?) When was the last time one rode a Harley Davidson ? That classic motorcycle that used to spell freedom and rebellion. One never sees a biker gang driving Yamahas. What was the bike on Easy Rider , with Fonda and Hopper doing what they did. But that was then. This is now. Now, it its own attempt to go woke, Harley Davidson took what was an American classic, and in order to build bikes in India, the company had to smooth its rough edges. The CEO is comparing himself to Taliban of all things, and says he wants to re-define capitalism. What does any of this have to do with building the next generation of "Hogs" and re-populate the likes of Sturgis ? The Harley Davidson story is indicative of the current political environment. If Kamala Harris is elected President, the HD's fortunes will not improve and any plants in India could be its last. But what would happen if Donald Trump is elected ? Probably aware of the value of Harley Davidson, he could offer inc

New Economic Policy

(New Economic Policy) Founder and leader of the Bolshevik Party, Vladimir Lenin, after the First World War, after the October Revolution, after the Russian Civil War, came to the conclusion that Communism didn't work. The man was brilliant ! However, the Bolsheviks were the only game in town, so Lenin had to adapt Party policy to a more pragmatic and less ideological stance. Lenin formulated what was called the New Economic Policy which in essence re-introduced capitalism, especially in the realm of agriculture where farmers were allowed to sell their yields for profit. The years when the NEP was in place were some of the bests for "soviet" farming with grain and other products keeping the population generally well fed. Lenin died in 1924 and by 1928, Josef Stalin was made General Secretary. What followed was the forced collectivization of agriculture, then came the purges, also known as the Great Terror. Farmers that had prospered under the NEP were now forced to surrend

Forgotten History

(Forgotten History) On August 15th, 1945, Imperial Japan announced its acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration which mandated its un-conditional surrender. However, people always forget that, before Emperor Hirohito could make the accession, there was an attempted coup by several Japanese junior officers who ransacked the Imperial Palace looking for Hirohito's recording. In the end, the coup failed but the fact there was the attempt at all, after Hiroshima, after Nagasaki, after the Soviet Invasion of Manchuria, that would have been sufficient motivation to capitulate early. For these officers, however, such stain on their honor was not something they could collectively tolerate. Joe Biden could tolerate his coup. He had no choice. But the discarding of the "President" has had the effect of removing the protections he had in place. Biden can now be impeached, and the audio of the Hur  Report can be released. The Hunter Biden laptop can be fully vetted, and his tax trial beg

Shooting The Messenger ?

(Shooting The Messenger ?) The other day, it was remarked how President Trump would need to "refine" his language to come off the insults and the hyperbole. In a move towards that direction, Trump had a two hour interview with Elon Muak on the platform "X." It was a conversation that focused on the economy, on inflation and how the Vice President could not repeat in the same venue. However, there has been a severe backlash from media and government that the discussion even took place. The site "X," formerly known as Twitter and its ex-head Jack Dorsey, was acquired by Musk a couple pf years ago with the stated goal of opening up the platform. No longer would expression be limited or curtailed. Hence the interview with the former President. That being said, the Musk and Trump talk is seen by some as a threat. Allowing Trump such un-fettered access, the conversation heard by as many as a hundred million people, topics mentioned drew opposition from such disp

Word Salad Dressing. . .

(Word Salad Dressing. . .) Bleu Cheese or Ranch ? Words can be some of the most powerful tools in the English Language. How they are used, what emotions do they convey can depend on context. Of course, in politics, words can make or break a candidate. A few weeks ago, the Presidential Race was Donald Trump's to lose. Why ? He has been talking less about policy and more on personalities, namely that of the Vice President and her running mate. Trump has used terms like "dumb," in-competent," that she could not hold a debate like he can. Ant veracity of these comments aside, at the moment they are not what people want to hear. As for Mrs. Harris, she can only parrot Donald Trump for so long because, over time, no one would believe her. If Vice President Harris is truly espousing these "reformed" positions and has moved away from the far-left fringe, then Paul's Road to Damascus would have been less a conversion. The reality is that once in Office, Harris w

You're Fired !

(You're Fired !) Firstly, congratulations to the U.S. Olympic Team and their triumphant return from Paris. As one knows, Donald Trump has had a storied career. From real estate developer in New York and other properties, to reality TV host and finally as President of the United States, and perhaps a return to Office. However, it will be his time on NBC as host of The Apprentice for almost fifteen seasons. Anyone familiar with the show that Trump and some of his executives confront a series of contestants, from Geraldo Rivera to Bret Michels, giving each a series of tasks and, at the end, the finalists get "hired." For all the others, it was a curt "you're fired" that eliminated each contestant. However, in the case of President Biden, who was "fired" all the same, but it was former Speaker Nancy Pelosi who held the axe. It was she that gave the President the choice of leave voluntarily or be forced out by invoking the 25th Amendment. So, like a lo

Remarks, Revised & Extended. . .

(Remarks, Revised & Extended. . .) Firstly, one might comment on the Ukrainian attack on Kursk, an incursion into Russian territory. If one will recall, in July 1943, Kursk and its environs was the site of the last German mass efforts in the East and Kursk was also the site of the largest tank battle in history. Other targets included Belgorod and Bryansk, the same theater as the battlefield 81 years ago. For its part, the Kremlin and President Putin have been surprised by the incursion and is having to re-deploy Russian assets to confront the new threat from his own backyard. As Moscoe still has the military advantage, the invasion by Ukraine is significant. The war in the Ukraine is an issue with which Harris and Walz will have to deal. Among all the questionable policies that the Minnesota Governor has been espousing, like tampons in boys' bathrooms among other oddities, and Harris wants him as VEEP pick ? Another item is Walz service record with the Minnesota National Guard

Second Time Around

(Second Time Around) August 9th, 1945 was a bad day for Japan. After a long period of "Neutrality" the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and finally attacked in the Far East two army groups, engaging what was left of Japan's Kwangtung Army in Manchuria. It was also on August 9th that the Nagasaki atomic mission was flown. A Boeing B-29 named Bockscar , part of the same 509th Bombardment Group of which the Hiroshima raid and B-29 Enola Gay delivered that payload. However, whereas the Hiroshima mission was almost flawless in execution, the Nagasaki event was beset with problems. Bockscar had a failed fuel pump, and the attack was also beset by weather. The original target for the second mission was not Nagasaki nut Kokura. Fortunately for that Japanese city, it was completely overcast. The secondary was Nagasaki thought it too was initially cloudy. As Bockscar flew from the IP (initial point) to the AP (aim point) there was sufficient clearing to where the city was reve

Where's The Beef ?

(Where's The Beef ?) TV ads can be so stupid these days. Banal, irrelevant, and just plain annoying. When the commercials break, one can change the channel or do other things but there is a marked lack of talent for those who "play" in these commercials. Progressive insurance is by far the worst. This has not always been the case, however. People who write for television should sometimes have a sense of humor. Commercials can be funny and when they are, the product advertised gets a boost in sales. Take that classic Wendy's spot from a few years ago, where three old ladies are looking at a burger with an over-sized bun but a small patty. At that, one of the ladies asks, "Where's the beef ?" She repeats the question before concluding "I don't think anybody's back there." Where's the beef with Vice President Harris ? It has been over two weeks since her coronation and she has yet to give an interview or hold a press conference. She h

Watchtower. . .

(Watchtower. . .) On August 7th. 1942, the U.S. 1st Marine Division was sat ashore on the Solomon Island of Guadalcanal in an operation named WATCHTOWER . In a campaign lasting just over six months, the battle waged on land and at sea, with ebbs and flows for both Americans and Japanese lost men and ships at previously un-heard of levels. The struggle for Guadalcanal began the attrition process for the Imperial Japanese Navy. The term "watchtower" is instructive this morning. The Democrat ticket is set with Harris;/Walz and, as mentioned, the paring is possibly the most liberal ticket in history. Harris record previously, she, as Pro Tempre in the Senate, cast the deciding votes in the Inflation Reduction Act and other Green New Deal legislation. She did not vote for Trump tax reform. Harris, like her former boss is a tax and spend liberal, taken to an extreme. That extreme is her running mate, Governor Tim Walz, an avowed socialist. Walz was the one that allowed Minneapolis

Countdowns. . .

(Countdowns. . .) Within hours, Vice President Harris will be picking her own running mate. Within hours, Iran could strike Israel. Within hours, Wall Street markets will close and at the moment there is a sell-off not seen for months. So, this fifth day of August 2024, news is being made but today, there is an interconnection that is tying all events together, The Harris VP pick will influence what happens in the Near East and the results will invariably affect the Markets, up or down. When it is all said and done, Jell-o will have less of a mold than Vice President Harris. With allies in the media, Kamala Harris will be molded like a piece of clay so that the end product and who her running mate might be will determine who she is and if the makeover took. If she is standing by her "reformed" positions, if she faces Trump in the debate, will the President take her to task ? Harris has enough flip-flops for a trip to the beach. In any event, the situation abroad could overwhe

Hitting Like A Girl

(Hitting Like A Girl) By now, one has seen the Olympic boxing event where an Algerian fighter all but TKO'd his Italian opponent. One should celebrate any Olympic victory in any event, however, the fight was rigged. Technically, the Algerian was a guy. It is unknown whether there was any "equipment check" before the event started but the Italian threw in the towel after about 47 seconds. A heart-breaking conclusion for an athlete to reach the pinnacle of her athletic career, qualified to go to Paris, and to face a man in the ring with predictable results. The moral of the story is men should not be in women's sports. But one can understand the logic. That Algerian fighter will advance in the standings and perhaps get a medal. He would be a national hero of Algeria. So what if he was male ? He won. However, one would think that an institution as "prestigious" as the Olympics Games would be mindful of the basic fairness of the contests, that men would compete

Of All Days. . .

(Of All Days. . .) In retrospect, these last months of the Biden Administration, or the first of the "Harris" Administration, will be a test. On a positive note, jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and Marine Paul Whelen have been released in some kind of prisoner swap. Also, Israel was able to assassinate the two senior commanders of Hamas and Hezbollah , respectively, one in Tehran and the other in Beirut. It would also appear the three men most responsible for September 11th will now not face the death penalty. Almost three-thousand Americans killed on that Tuesday morning and the likes of Sheik Mohammad will get life. instead of death. While one can celebrate the release of Gershkovich and Whelan the question must be asked what did the Russians get in return ? People remember the Bo Bergdal trade where this diserter from his post and subsequent capture by the Taliban, his return resulted in four of their commanders being returned into the field. For his